Gambaran Daya Tetas Telur Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti pada Berbagai Suhu Ruangan


  • Moch Rexy Arsala Nahar Medical Science, Universitas Islam Bandung Author
  • Eka Hendryanni Medical Science, Universitas Islam Bandung Author
  • Harvi Puspa Wardani Medical Science, Universitas Islam Bandung Author


Aedes aegypti eggs, dengue fever, hatching, Temperature, Demam berdarah, Penetasan, Suhu ruangan, Telur Aedes aegypti


Abstract. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a vector of the dengue virus which can cause dengue fever infection. Various factors can affect the hatchability of Aedes aegypti mosquito eggs, one of which is room temperature. This research is an experimental descriptive study. The aim is to find out what room temperature hatches and does not hatch in Aedes ae-gypti mosquito eggs. Samples of Aedes aegypti mosquito eggs as many as 1500 eggs were divided into 5 groups, each group consisting of 300 eggs placed at various room temperatures. During 24 hours of observation, the most hatched Aedes aegypti eggs were group D (35ºC) with 2.77%. At 48 hours of observation, the most Aedes aegypti eggs hatched in group B (15oC) as much as 4.33%. During 72 hours of observation, the eggs of Aedes aegypti in group C, which were stored at 25º, hatched the most (7.33%). None of the Aedes aegypti eggs in group A (5ºC) and group E (45ºC) hatched (100%). The conclusion of this study is that the room temperature where hatching of Aedes aegypti mosquito eggs does not occur, namely 5ºC and 45ºC. The room temperature where the Aedes aegypti mosquito hatches occurs is 15ºC–35ºC. Aedes ae-gypti eggs mostly hatch at 25oC. During 72 hours of observation, 3.13% of the Aedes aegypti mosquito eggs hatched. Changes in room temperature can cause changes in metabolism and egg structure so that it has an impact on hatching Aedes aegypti eggs.

Abstrak. Nyamuk Aedes aegypti merupakan vektor virus dengue yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi demam berdarah. Berbagai faktor dapat mempengaruhi daya tetas telur nyamuk Aedes aegypti, salah satunya yaitu suhu ruangan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif eksperimental. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui suhu ruangan berapakah yang menetas dan tidak menetas pada telur nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Sampel telur nyamuk Aedes aegypti sebanyak 1500 telur dibagi dalam 5 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 300 telur yang ditempatkan pada berbagai suhu ruangan. Pada pengamatan selama 24 jam, telur Aedes aegypti yang paling banyak menetas yaitu kelompok D (35ºC) sebanyak 2,77%. Pada pengamatan 48 jam, telur Aedes aegypti paling banyak menetas pada kelompok B (15oC) sebanyak 4,33%. Pada pengamatan 72 jam telur Aedes aegypti kelompok C yang disimpan pada suhu 25º paling banyak menetas (7,33%). Telur Aedes aegypti pada kelompok A (5ºC), dan kelompok E (45ºC) tidak ada yang menetas (100%). Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu suhu ruangan yang tidak terjadi penetasan telur nyamuk Aedes aegypti, yaitu 5ºC dan 45ºC. Suhu ruangan yang terjadi penetasan telur nyamuk Aedes aegypti, yaitu 15ºC–35ºC. Telur Aedes aegypti paling banyak menetas pada suhu 25oC. Pada pengamatan selama 72 jam terdapat 3,13% telur nyamuk Aedes aegypti yang menetas. Perubahan suhu ruangan dapat menyebabkan perubahan metabolisme dan struktur telur sehingga berdampak pada penetesan telur Aedes aegypti.


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