Sangkuriang Bandung Publishing Electronic Journals or is an online journal settings and system publications issued by the PT. SANGKURIANG BANDUNG PUBLISHING. The portal was built and developed by Sangkuriang Bandung Publishing for the benefit of interconnect resources and scientific work as an effective tool in disseminating information to the whole society, especially academics and researchers. This service is provided free of charge and intended as a medium of dissemination of scientific articles that can be accessed by the public and is expected to be a positive contribution to science in the wider community. Scientific Publication is expected to create a forum for communication and open discussion space for researches in the field of science concerned. This system has been set up for anyone who can register themselves through the system to get an account and paswordnya and send the article to be indexed.


  • LOL: Law Out Loud

    Law Out Loud (LOL):  is an interdisciplinary academic publication dedicated to advancing scholarship at the substantive Law. The journal takes its name from based on problems that often occur in modern times, including doubts in giving law to law violators.

    By encouraging scholarly discourse on these topics, Law Out Loud: Journal of Law provide a scholarly platform for the dissemination of legal research, analysis, and insights. The journal might seek to foster academic discourse, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and contribute to the advancement of legal knowledge. It could serve as a forum for legal scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to engage with diverse legal topics and issues.

    The journal stands as a testament to the idea that understanding the law is vital for shaping the future—a premise that guides its exploration of the complex.

  • DataMath: Journal of Statistics and Mathematics

    DataMath: Journal of Statistics and Mathematics is a peer reviewed open access scientific journal presents original and valuable research in all areas of applied and theoretical mathematics and statistics. The journal covers a wide range of topics related to mathematics and statistics.

    Key topics covered include mathematical analysis, probability, statistics, algebra, geometry, mathematical physics, wave propagation, stochastic processes, boundary value problems, experimental design and analysis, survey methods and analysis, operations research, data mining, machine learning, statistical modeling, computational statistics, time series, econometrics, statistical education, and other related topics. The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in academia, industry, and government.

    Our mission is to advance the knowledge and understanding of mathematics and statistics. We strive to maintain the highest standards of scientific rigor, editorial quality, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our journal.

  • ICONOMICS: Journal of Economy and Business

    ICONOMICS: JOURNAL OF ECONOMY AND BUSINESS, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish high-quality research on all aspects of economics and business. publishes original research articles, review articles from contributors with the theme of development economics, akuntansi, economics and business.

    The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in academia, industry, and government. We also encourage submissions on interdisciplinary and collaborative research that bridges the gap between different disciplines and stakeholders in the field of economy and business.

    Our mission is to advance the knowledge and understanding of economy and business, and to serve as a platform for the dissemination of research findings and advancements in the fields of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences. The journal may seek to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers, academicians, and practitioners working in these areas. We strive to maintain the highest standards of scientific rigor, editorial quality, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our journal.

    ICONOMICS has been indexed by numerous reputable indexing services, including DOAJ, Google Scholar, Dimensions, and many others.

  • PharmacoMedic: Journal of Pharmacology and Medical Science

    PharmacoMedic: Journal of Pharmacology and Medical Science is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish high-quality research on all aspects of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences.

    The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in academia, industry, and government. We also encourage submissions on interdisciplinary and collaborative research that bridges the gap between different disciplines and stakeholders in the field of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences.

    Our mission is to advance the knowledge and understanding of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, and to serve as a platform for the dissemination of research findings and advancements in the fields of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences. The journal may seek to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers, academicians, and practitioners working in these areas. We strive to maintain the highest standards of scientific rigor, editorial quality, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our journal.

  • MineTech: Journal of Mining Engineering

    MineTech: Journal of Mining Engineering is a premier peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and research in the field of Mining Engineering.

    The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor from researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in academia, industry, and government. We also encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative research submissions that bridge the gap between various disciplines and stakeholders in the field of Mining Engineering.

    The journal aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and advancement in the field of mining engineering. The journal will support the dissemination of high-quality research, case studies and practical applications that contribute to the understanding, innovation and development of sustainable mining practices. We strive to maintain the highest standards of scientific rigor, editorial quality, and ethical behavior in all aspects of our journal.

  • IMSAK: Islamic Studies and Economics

    IMSAK: Islamic Studies and Economics is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish high-quality research on all aspects of Islamic economics.

    Key topics covered include Sharia Economics, Islamic Business, Islamic Business Ethics, Islamic Investment Management, Islamic Bank Fund Management, Islamic Management and Banking Islamic/Shariah Accounting, Islamic Bank Budget, Zakat Management, Islamic Bank Risk Management Islamic Capital Market and other areas of sharia studies.  

    The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in academia, industry, and government. We also encourage submissions for interdisciplinary and collaborative research that bridges the gap between various scientific disciplines and stakeholders in the field of Islamic Economics. 

    Our mission is to advance knowledge and understanding of Islamic Economics and serve as a platform for the dissemination of research findings and advances in the field of Islamic/Sharia Economics. We strive to maintain the highest standards of scientific rigor, editorial quality, and ethical behavior in all aspects of our journal.

  • PERSON: Perspectives in Communication

    PERSON: Perspectives in Communication is a peer-reviewed academic international journal that publishes original research on a wide range of topics related to communication.The Journal is aimed, in particular, at strengthening understanding of communication processes, theories and practices across different contexts.  This could also make it a contributing factor in the development of Communication Studies and their applications across various fields.

    The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor from researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in academia, industry, and government. We also encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative research submissions that bridge the gap between various disciplines and stakeholders in the field of Communication.

    Our mission is to advance knowledge and understanding of Perspectives in Communication, by providing a scholarly platform for the exchange of knowledge and insights in the broad field of communication. We strive to maintain the highest standards of scientific rigor, editorial quality, and ethical behavior in all aspects of our journal.

  • DELUSION: Exploring Psychology

    DELUSION: Exploring Psychology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish high-quality research on all aspects of Psychology. advances psychological research of interest and relevance for the human condition around the world and serves as the outlet for internationally relevant basic and applied research in scientific psychology. The journal would seek to promote the understanding of human behavior, mental processes, and the factors that influence psychological well-being. It might also aim to contribute to the advancement of psychological science and its practical applications.

    The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in academia, industry, and government. We also encourage submissions on interdisciplinary and collaborative research that bridges the gap between different disciplines and stakeholders in the field of Psychology.  

    Our mission is to advance the knowledge and understanding of Psychology, and to serve as a platform for the dissemination of research findings and advancements in the fields of Psychology. The journal may seek to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers, academicians, and practitioners working in these areas. We strive to maintain the highest standards of scientific rigor, editorial quality, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our journal.